Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Why camp?

Bugs...rain...sleeping on the air conditioning...

Doesn't sound like much fun.

Family togetherness...nature...exercise...cheaper way to vacation...meeting new people...

Sound a little better?

Growing up, our family camped some.  I hated it.  Period.  I hated sleeping on the ground.  I hated being stuck in a tent when it rained.  I hated the bugs.

After I got married and we began our family, I realized that camping is a cheaper way to vacation and see many things.  Of course it has gotten better as our boys have gotten older.  We didn't camp for many nights at a time when they were younger - and we didn't venture too far from home.

Getting away from the house, the TV, the Wi-Fi, etc. brings about more family togetherness.  We play games, we bike, we hike, we fish, and we just sit around the campfire and TALK!

As this blog continues, I hope to help make your camping experience a little easier with little tips we have learned over time.  And for those fellow homeschoolers, we have counted many school days on camping trips!  I hope you will continue to visit and share this blog with your camping friends.

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