Monday, August 5, 2013

Plans change

We've been on a couple of camping trips where we had a fun day planned and something happens to bring the plans to a halt. It's disappointing, to say the least. You try to make the best of things, but you know you only have so much time at that campground and sometimes the opportunity to return is months or years away.

Several years ago, when our youngest son was about 6 or 7 years old, we were camping at Chain O' Lakes State Park. We were fishing and my husband laid his fishing pole down on the ground instead of leaning it against the tree and our son stepped on the hook with his bare foot. We had planned to canoe later that day, but suddenly our plans changed. We had to find the closest Urgent Care center, which was about 1/2 hour away, to get the hook removed. By the time we got back, we had spent about 3 -4 hours away from the campground. Although we still had fun, we didn't get to go canoeing that year. We have not been back to that campground yet - and that was 5-6 years ago.

A couple of years ago, we went with my in-laws and sister and brother in-law to Holiday World and Splashin' Safari.  It was a family vacation - all 10 of us.  We were going to go into the park 2 different days.  We decided to do the theme park the first day because the second day was supposed to be warmer, which would be better for the water rides.  The morning of the second day, my nephew woke up with pain in his leg.  He had a cut on the bottom of his foot that had become infected and was moving up his leg.  Another unplanned trip the the nearest doctor!  He was put on an antibiotic and was told he could not go swimming and in order for it to heal faster, he should stay off the foot.  He got to ride in the kiddie wagon for that afternoon.  Bummer weekend for him!

Another time, we camped at Pokagon State Park, it rained almost the entire weekend. We had planned to bike and hike, but instead spent quality time inside the inn playing board games and ping pong. We still had a great time and we have since gone back to Pokagon.

I guess the point of this post is to be flexible.  I'm a planner. I like to have the weekend all planned out - menu plan and activities, time of arrival and departure, etc... But when you are dealing with Mother Nature, you have to be flexible. Accidents happen, illnesses and weather can delay things, mechanical failures (so far all of ours have been on the return trip home) and flat bike tires - all these things happen unplanned. If you go into a camping situation with many possibilities, then you have options. And be sure to know where the closest hospital and department stores are. :) These are great teaching moments for our kids.

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